A VIOLENT on-the-run thug from the PSNI has been hunted down and arrested as he hid out in Donegal.
Wanted Casey Morgan was detained in west Donegal overnight on Sunday by Gardai after weeks of avoiding capture.
The 18-year-old has appeared in the High Court in Dublin on Monday on foot of an extradition warrant from the PSNI.
Morgan, who was described by police as a violent thief, held up a chemist shop armed with a knife.
The public in Dungloe and Burtonport had been living in fear after it emerged that Morgan and convicted rapist Joe McCabe had been living in a caravan in Burtonport.
McCabe, 29, handed himself into police in the Derry/Londonderry last wek following the publicity of his case.
He has since been remanded in custody to appear in court in a few weeks time for breach of his prison licence.
But Morgan went on the run and is believed to have fled back to West Donegal.
Morgan was described as a high-risk offender by the PSNI who had warned members of the pubic not to approach him.
He has been remanded to St Patrick’s Institution overnight ahead of a bail application tomorrow (Tuesday)