ANGRY loyalists have turned on the PUP after talks between the Orange Order and nationalist residents broke down on Sunday night without agreement.
They have vented their anger on PUP representative Winston Irvine who was one of those involved in discussions with the Orange Order, nationalist residents and senior IRA man Sean ‘Spike’ Murray over the weekend.
Mr Irvine said the talks were a positive development.
“While I am disappointed that we have been unable to find a resolution to this Twelfth of July parade at this stage, I am very heartened by the decision that the Orange have taken,” he said.
He was also part of the delegation that went to Cardiff with the PSNI for peace talks.
Loyalists contacted Belfast Daily saying Mr Irvine should stand aside after the talks failed.
“Who does this man think he is?” said one loyalist on the Belfast’s Shankill Road.
“He doesn’t speak for the people on this road.
“This has been a disaster for Irvine. He star is on the wane now.
“People on the Shankill Road are very angry at what has taken place and are openly saying: who is he to speak for loyalism?.
“I haven’t heard so many people angry about one person for so long. People are genuinely up in arms about this whole situation. It has been an absolute disaster.”
Another loyalist told Belfast Daily that the talks were too little too late.
“Instead of waiting until a week before the parade, we should talk all year round to see what can be sorted out,” said the loyalist.
“Winston Irvine has been putting himself out there as a spokesman but his days are now numbered after this.
“If he was standing for election on the Shankill Road tomorrow people wouldn’t vote for him.
“It is as simple as that. This has been kick in the teeth for him. Shankill Road people are well and truly fed up with him talking on their behalf.
” Well, we have news for him: he doesn’t speak for the people of the Shankill.”
On Sunday night, the first talks between the Orange Order and north Belfast nationalists ended without agreement.
The talks were arranged in a bid to avoid a repetition of disturbances that marked previous 12 July Orange parades in the Ardoyne area.
A residents’ spokesman described the talks as significant but added that they had been initiated too close to Friday’s Orange march.
The Orange Order said it was willing to continue with the talks in the future.
The negotiations were organised after a loyalist residents’ association asked three north Belfast lodges to engage directly with the Crumlin and Ardoyne Residents Association (Cara).
The area had been the scene of serious rioting in previous years.
Nationalists had objected to Orange marches in the area while Orangemen continued to use what they termed “traditional routes”.
A spokesman for the County Grand Lodge of Belfast said on Monday that the two days of talks had been “comprehensive and frank”.
“Those present also articulated the interests of the local unionist community and discussed issues expressed by nationalist residents, as the delegation sought to understand why the parade was opposed.”
Cara spokesman Joe Marley said that although he did not believe a solution “was possible” before Friday 12 July this year, the residents felt the discussions had been worthwhile.
“I think the engagement was fairly positive from our perspective,” Mr Marley said.
“It was significant because it was the first time local lodges have actually directly engaged with local residents and I think people came with genuine intent,” the Cara spokesman added.
Loyalists are now waiting on a determination over the parade on the Twelfth of July.
If the Parades Commission rule against a return evening parade through the Ardoyne, loyalists plan to defy the ruling and “push a parade through” past the local shops.