Bellaghy Orange Hall was attack with green and yellow paint

Bellaghy Orange Hall was attack with green and yellow paint

POLICE are investigating after green and yellow paint was thrown over an Orange Hall.

The building in the William Street area of Bellaghy was targeted in the early hours of Friday.

Different shades of paint were splashed over the yard, wall and front of the hall.

Sandra Overend of the UUP condemned the attack but said local lodges were not deterred from enjoying their annual Twelfth celebrations.

“The large number of members of Bellaghy’s Orange Lodges were disheartened when they arrived at the Orange Hall this morning to find the front of their hall, yard and wall strewn with different shades of green and yellow paint,” the Mid Ulster MLA said.

“I understand that this is the fourth consecutive year that Bellaghy Orange Hall has been targeted in such a way, having been targeted on many other years also.

“I am truly disgusted that there are some people who still refuse to allow the Orange to celebrate their culture in a peaceful fashion, as they do in Bellaghy.”

Police asked anyone with information on the paint attack to contact them on 0845 600 8000.

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