PAIR OF BANKERS: Northern Ireland snack lovers could enjoy a credit ‘crunch’ with a difference by making a ‘crisp cash’ withdrawal from the Bank of McCoy’s over the next two months. Launching the campaign, which runs from now until April 13, are McCoy’s bankers Ricky Watts (left) and John Baxter of KP Snacks (NI) Ltd, McCoy’s parent company.

NORTHERN Ireland snack lovers could enjoy a credit crunch with a difference by making a crisp cash withdrawal from the Bank of McCoy’s over the next two months.

As the cost of living continues to soar, the UK’s number one ridged crisp McCoy’s has launched a new on-pack promotion that could benefit NI shoppers AND retailers where it matters most… in their pockets!

The Bank of McCoy’s is giving consumers the chance to unlock a £100,000 prize vault – with instant cash prizes of up to £1,000 available on-pack – while local retailers can also cash in with a separate £50,000 prize vault dedicated just for them.

Lots of free stock and packs of McCoy’s crisps are also up for grabs in the promotion which runs from now until April 13, 2025.

Running across McCoy’s popular Price-Marked Packs (PMP) and Grab Bag formats, a visit to the Bank of McCoy’s to check your balance couldn’t be easier.

Shoppers simply need to scan the QR code on-pack and input a unique code to see if they’ve bagged themselves a prize.

The trade promotion, which features on all McCoy’s PMP cases, operates a similar scan-to-win mechanic enabling retailers to access cash and stock prizes.

“It’s safe to say that our customers and retailers love a winning combination, so with our Bank of McCoy’s on-pack promotion, we’re giving them the chance to snack AND stack their cash,” said Ricky Watts, Business Account Manager (Northern Ireland) for McCoy’s parent company KP Snacks Ltd.

“Let’s face it, we could all do with a little cash boost in these tough times – so why not pick up a pack of McCoy’s today and see if you’re entitled to a crisp cash withdrawal, in one of our biggest on-pack promotions to date.

McCoy’s sells more packs per head in Northern Ireland than in the rest of the UK* so we are delighted to open the Bank of McCoy’s vault to local retailers also – as without them, the brand wouldn’t be as successful here as it is today,” he added.

Worth £188m in the UK and growing at +6.4%**, the McCoy’s portfolio was recently expanded with the launch of new McCoy’s Hot & Spicy which is also included in the Bank of McCoy’s promotion.

McCoy’s is owned by parent company KP Snacks Ltd, the UK’s number one manufacturer of nuts and popcorn, and number two manufacturer of bagged snacks.

The company owns some of the UK’s most popular and iconic snack brands including McCoy’s, Hula Hoops, Tyrrells, Butterkist, KP Nuts, POM-BEAR, popchips, Skips, Space Raiders, Discos, Nik Naks, Wheat Crunchies, Roysters and Frisps.

* Iri Total NI Convenience 22.12.24  /  Nielsen Convenience 28.12.24       ** Nielsen IQ, Total Coverage, Total Value, MAT 02.11.24

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